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las aseguradoras, los corredores y las gestoras de seguros emplean demasiado tiempo en procesos manuales
as seen in
introducing intelligent processing designed for insurance
The right data, in the right format, at the right time. Working instantly.
mea platform provides an intuitive, app like, experience for complex and manual Insurance processing tasks. Built with hundreds of years of insurance expertise embedded into the platform and using Gen-AI alongside latest tech, mea platform allows your operations to just work.
mea platform gives your business an unfair advantage, having been built to be entirely focussed on how to increase margins and reduce combined ratio’s.
Insurance AI data extraction from structured and unstructured documents is seamless, fast and highly accurate.
Regulatory and sanctions checking is automated
Validations of data via thousands of external sources is completed in seconds
Re-structured, summarised documents and submissions packs created in minutes.
Complex schedules, loss runs and Bordeau’s organised, cleaned, and simply passed to next systems or processes
Risks and appetite auto applied, allowing producers and underwriters to focus on the sweet spots at no effort
mea platform is built with ora at the heart. ora is our proprietary cloud-native Insurance specific, pre-trained, Gen-AI. Built for the singular purpose of Insurance AI data extraction.

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